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Euphorbia lactea Haw.

Candelabra plant, mottled spurge, dragon bones, frilled fan, elkhorn, candelabra cactus, milkstripe euphorbia, mottled candlestick

KingdomPlantaePlants, but not fungi, lichens, or algae
SubkingdomTracheobiontaVascular plants—plants with a “circulatory system” for delivering water and nutrients
DivisionMagnoliophytaFlowering plants, also known as angiosperms
ClassMagnoliopsidaDicotyledons—plants with two initial seed leaves
SubclassRosidaeRoses, legumes, proteas, dogwoods, hydrangeas, mistletoes, euphorbias, grapes, many more
OrderMalpighialesA broad group encompassing 16,000 species
FamilyEuphorbiaceaeEuphorbia or spurge family
GenusEuphorbiaAn extremely diverse-looking genus of mostly tropical and subtropical succulent plants. For Euphorbus, corpulent Greek physician of Juba II, King of Mauretania. Literally, “euphorbia” means “well-fed”
SpecieslacteaMilky or milk-white

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This large, cactus-like Euphorbia is native to Asia, especially India. Sometimes the upward-reaching branch groups closely resemble a candelabra, accounting for some of the many interesting common names.

Identification: Plants are large shrubs or small trees, to 16′ (5 m) tall. Succulent, ribbed, upward-curving branches resembling those of cacti are 1-1¾″ (3-5 cm) in diameter. Branches have whitish marbled interior coloring, three or four angles, and small spine-like protrusions that are really nearly invisible leaves. This plant also occurs in crested forms and monstrose forms.

Edibility: Poisonous Skull & Crossbones Like other Euphorbias, these contain a poisonous milky latex. They can cause nausea and vomiting if eaten, severe eye irritation and temporary blindness, and dermatitis.

Online References:



Top Tropicals (Euphorbia lactea f. cristata (crested form))


The USDA Plants Database


HEAR: the Hawaiian Ecosystems at Risk project


Euphorbia lactea description by Thomas H. Kent, last updated 25 May 2020.

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Euphorbia lactea (candelabra plant, mottled spurge, dragon bones, frilled fan, elkhorn, candelabra cactus, milkstripe euphorbia, mottled candlestick)

4/6/2011 · Howard Peters Rawlings Conservatory & Botanic Gardens, Druid Hill Park, Baltimore, Mary­land

Euphorbia lactea (candelabra plant, mottled spurge, dragon bones, frilled fan, elkhorn, candelabra cactus, milkstripe euphorbia, mottled candlestick)

4/6/2011 · Howard Peters Rawlings Conservatory & Botanic Gardens, Druid Hill Park, Baltimore, Mary­land


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