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Populus fremontii S. Watson

Fremont cottonwood

KingdomPlantaePlants, but not fungi, lichens, or algae
SubkingdomTracheobiontaVascular plants—plants with a “circulatory system” for delivering water and nutrients
DivisionMagnoliophytaFlowering plants, also known as angiosperms
ClassMagnoliopsidaDicotyledons—plants with two initial seed leaves
SubclassRosidaeRoses, legumes, proteas, dogwoods, hydrangeas, mistletoes, euphorbias, grapes, many more
OrderMalpighialesA broad group encompassing 16,000 species
FamilySalicaceaeWillow family
GenusPopulusLatin for “people” because the many moving leaves in a breeze resemble a moving populace
SpeciesfremontiiFor John Charles Fremont (1813-1890), “the Pathfinder,” army officer and presidential candidate who collected plants on four hazardous journeys exploring the western United States

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Populus fremontii (Fremont cottonwood)

8/27/2014 · Rio Grande Nature Center, Albuquerque, New Mex­ico · ≈ 2½ × 1½′ (79 × 53 cm)

Populus fremontii (Fremont cottonwood)

8/27/2014 · Rio Grande Nature Center, Albuquerque, New Mex­ico

Populus fremontii (Fremont cottonwood)

8/27/2014 · Rio Grande Nature Center, Albuquerque, New Mex­ico · By Susan M. Kent


Populus fremontii description by Thomas H. Kent, last updated 11 Jul 2023.

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Populus fremontii (Fremont cottonwood)

5/2/2018 · Cottonwood Spring, Joshua Tree National Park, Cali­fornia

Populus fremontii (Fremont cottonwood)

8/27/2014 · Rio Grande Nature Center, Albuquerque, New Mex­ico

Populus fremontii (Fremont cottonwood)

8/27/2014 · Rio Grande Nature Center, Albuquerque, New Mex­ico · By Susan M. Kent · ≈ 6½ × 4′ (2.0 × 1.3 m)

Populus fremontii (Fremont cottonwood)

5/2/2018 · Cottonwood Spring, Joshua Tree National Park, Cali­fornia


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