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Ipomoea indica (Burm. f.) Merr.

Oceanblue morning glory, blue morning glory

KingdomPlantaePlants, but not fungi, lichens, or algae
SubkingdomTracheobiontaVascular plants—plants with a “circulatory system” for delivering water and nutrients
DivisionMagnoliophytaFlowering plants, also known as angiosperms
ClassMagnoliopsidaDicotyledons—plants with two initial seed leaves
SubclassAsteridaeA large class that encompasses asters
OrderSolanalesPotatoes, eggplants, tomatoes, peppers, tobacco, petunias, sweet potatoes, morning glories, many others
FamilyConvolvulaceaeBindweed or morning glory family
GenusIpomoeaFrom Greek ips, “a worm,” and homoios, “like,” because of the twining vine
SpeciesindicaOf or from or referring in some way to India

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Ipomoea acuminata (Vahl) Roem. & Schult.

Ipomoea cathartica Poir.

Ipomoea congesta R. Br.

Ipomoea indica (Burm. f.) Merr. var. acuminata (Vahl) Fosberg

Ipomoea mutabilis Lindl.

Pharbitis cathartica (Poir.) Choisy


Ipomoea indica description by Thomas H. Kent, last updated 25 May 2020.

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Ipomoea indica (oceanblue morning glory, blue morning glory)

4/10/2015 · Gulf Coast Visitor Center, Everglades National Park, Everglades City, Florida

Ipomoea indica (oceanblue morning glory, blue morning glory)

4/13/2015 · West Lake Trail, Everglades National Park, Florida · By Susan M. Kent · ≈ 4½ × 3″ (11 × 7.9 cm)


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